Pro Shop

Shoes, balls, bags & accessoires – We would be pleased to advise and inform you in detail about our products and services, please make an appointment.
In our pro shop you can get everything you need for bowling. For example, you can choose from a wide range of shoes. To do this, click on the corresponding links and check the offer online.
Full package offerBag, Ball and Shoes in one package starting at 222 € incl. 1 bowling game!
Bowling bagsFind here the matching bag for your bowling ball
Bowling shoescheck out our selection of bowling shoes here
Bowling ballsYou can purchase bowling balls at our shop including fitting service starting at 109 €. Drilling starting at 35 €.
Care products and accessoiresFor care products for your bowling ball and other accessories click here
Repair and reprocessingEvery bowler knows this. After some time, every bowling ball has scratches, notches and in the cases of high-gloss balls, the gloss disappears and the surface gets dull or oily.